Guestbook Changes and The JapaneseIzation of The Gowolle Guestbook

update Last updated: December 16, 2023 at 10:56 PM

Regarding the WordPress plugin "DMSGuestbook" installed on this website, it seems that support for the anti-spam function "google reCAPTCHA v1" built into this plugin will end on March 31, 2018.
According to Google, it has been encouraging the app to upgrade to "reCAPTCHA v2" since April.

However, because it can no longer be expected in the DMSGuestbook, a situation where the update of the plug-in has stopped for a long time, it is unavoidable, the new plug-in "Gwolle Guestbook I was to change to.
Gwolle Guestbook is a very advanced plug-in that supports emoticons, Ajax functionality, entry data import/export functionality, etc. With the import function, it is also possible to take over the DMSGuestbook database.

Anti-spam features are standard for honeypot, Nonce, and Akismet, and captcha functionality is also available by installing the plug-in Really Simple CAPTCHA.
Unfortunately, it does not support Japanese, and anti-spam does not support reCAPTCHA, but for the time being, it is compatible with the latest version of WordPress, so for now, it is the best guest book. I would recommend this plugin.

2021.07.30 Added
As described in the following article, the Japanese version of the Gwolle Guestbook was implemented.

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