1027 yen per month for having two smartphones – Simultaneously transfer the main Galaxy smartphone from the cheap SIM Myneo to IIJmio (4GB), and the sub iPhone from Rakuten Mobile to Povo 2.0 at the same time MNP

We simultaneously MNP the main Galaxy smartphone from the cheap SIM MyNeo to IIJmio (4GB) and the sub-machine iPhone from Rakuten Mobile to Povo 2.0 at the same time.

楽天モバイルからマイネオの神プラン「マイそく」へMNPし、再度楽天モバイルとの契約で、Android & iPhoneの2台持ちで 990円ぽっきり!

楽天モバイルからマイネオの神プラン「マイそく」へMNPし、再度、楽天モバイルとの契約で、Android & iPhoneの2台持ちとしました。「マイそく」は平日のお昼の時間帯が極低速モードとなる代わりに、それ以外の時間帯は、1.5Mbpsでの速度でパケット無制限に使えるプランです。

Rakuten Mobile's base station was installed on the roof of the home apartment in front of Hiratsuka Station, but it is not connected at all!

A Rakuten Mobile base station was installed on the roof of my apartment in front of Hiratsuka Station, but unfortunately I can only connect to the Rakuten line near the window. It has been about a month since I switched to Rakuten Mobile with MNP, but I would like to report on the current status of base station maintenance and connection status.