Last updated: December 16, 2023 at 10:49 PM
The ssl work of this site which was an issue after the same time has been completed!
SSL stands for Secure Sockets Layer, and SSL means changing what the www protocol used to be unencrypted (http:) to encrypted communication (https:). The actual communication protocol is not SSL, but encrypted communication with "TLS 1.2/1.3".
The Netscape-era SSL protocol has disappeared due to broken security.
Currently, ssl of the web site is now a sense because it has become a matter of course, this increases the reliability of the web site, I think you can expect to improve the SEO evaluation of Google at least.
In addition, with SSL, facebook 'likes' with the social button set in the blog that became the new URL Because the number has been reset to 0, facebook 'like We also fixed the program to restore the number.
However, it will take some time for Facebook crawlers to scrape ogp information on the new URL for all blogs.
(Only Facebook crawlers with ".htaccess" on the server have been configured to avoid 301 redirects)
So when it comes to scraping, use a facebook's Developers Tool Facebook Open Graph Object Debugger, doing manual scraping in order from the priority blog to restore the number of "likes".
In addition, since it has been found that the generation method of ogp tag (such as "og:image" of the theme program is out of date and does not correspond to the specifications of Facebook, we are currently working on fixing the program.
It seems to take a while to finish all the work, but for the details of these series of work, i have summarized in the following blog, please see if you are interested.
2020.04.04 Added
All server maintenance work is complete.