Creverin installed in corona measures induces cough asthma and is harmful to the human body.

Creverin of Living Room Daiso Pharmaceuticals has been installed since the end of December last year to prevent corona. After that, symptoms of asthma such as cough came out and it did not heal easily, but after removing the creverin, it is moving towards better. The cause seems to be the toxicity of chlorine dioxide.

I was deceived by a Chinese trader on Amazon, so I re-purchased "OXILOOK", a pulse oximeter for corona countermeasures from Rakuten, from a Japanese distributor.

I bought a pulse oximeter on Amazon for corona measures, but it seems to have been a Chinese trader, and I was deceived because the product did not arrive. Therefore, we purchased the pulse oximeter "OXIlook" sold by a company called FUJIKON in Japan again from Rakuten Ichibo.

Antigen test (ICheck) + PCR test was carried out at home! ⇐ infection with the corona and the road to fighting disease and complete cure

I purchased the ICheck provided by the "ICheck Project" (SKE48 is the ambassador), which conducts epidemiological surveys using the antigen test kit "ICheck" for the new coronavirus infection, and conducted the antigen test at home. I purchased the ICheck provided by the "ICheck Project" (SKE48 is the ambassador), which conducts epidemiological surveys using the antigen test kit "ICheck" for the new coronavirus infection, and conducted the antigen test at home. The sample is collected from saliva and the test takes 15 minutes.

I had a PCR test at my own expense! [Results report and recommendations to the Japanese government]

I took a PCR test at Shinjuku Home Clinic at my own expense. In this blog, we will report on the results, point out that the number of PCR tests conducted in Japan is the lowest in the world, point out the Japanese government's inaction during the coronavirus pandemic, and propose future responses to the government and related food and beverage industries. To do!