Last updated: October 26, 2023 at 4:56 PM

REGZA (40V31) program recording HDD (2TB) became full, so I replaced it with a new HDD (4TB).
It is possible to add multiple HDDs via a USB HUB, but the wiring is not neat, so if possible, I would like to finish with only one external HDD.
This unit (V31 series) supports up to 6 TB per unit and up to 4 USB hard disks.
Considering the reliability, stability, quietness, and performance of the HDD, Western Digital / Seagate is safe, so I bought the same manufacturer Seagate (Expansion Desktop 4TB) as the 2TB HDD this time.
Most of the home appliances, such as lighting fixtures, refrigerators, microwave ovens, beauty equipment, washing machines, Blu-ray recorders, and spa car premium tuners, are made by Panasonic, but the main TV is Toshiba REGZA.
Panasonic's tuners, Blu-ray recorders (DIGA) and televisions (Viera) are equipped with dlna function "Room Jump Link", and you can watch recorded and broadcast programs on the recorder from Viera's TV. (However, since it is a net connection, the operation is a little unstable)
The Panasonic Prabate Viera I bought the other day also had this function. If the majority of recorders were Panasonic, it would have been more interesting if the main TV had chosen Panasonic at the high end to enjoy the benefits.
Now, back to the main topic. In order to copy program data from REGZA's external HDD to the new HDD, manual dubbing to the new HDD via USB HUB is expected to take a lot of time and effort.
Therefore, as a smart solution to solve this problem, I decided to copy the entire program data from the old HDD to the new HDD using the utility "REGZA HDD Easy Copy" that runs on the Linux OS.
The file system of REGZA's HDD is the UNIX-based XFS format, and Windows cannot handle it, so there seems to be no utility for Windows.
The procedure for copying a HARD DRIVE with REGZA HDD Easy Copy is as follows.
(1) In order to start REGZA HDD Easy Copy on Windows 11, first, the package "Oracle VM VirtualBox" *1 for building a virtual machine on Windows and the GUI-based OS "Ubuntu" *2 on Linux. to install.
(2) On Ubuntu, download "REGZA HDD Easy Copy" from the net and install it.
(3) Initialize the new HDD with REGZA.
(4) Start "REGZA HDD Easy Copy" on Ubuntu and copy the program data from the old HDD to the new HDD.
(5) Connect the new HDD to REGZA and check the processing result.
*1 Oracle VM VirtualBox
Oracle VM VirtualBox is a virtualization software package for x86, AMD64, and Intel64. It was originally developed by Innotek, and is currently being developed by Oracle, USA.
Installed as one of the applications on an existing operating system (host OS), additional operating systems (guest OS) can be executed in this. For example, Linux can be a guest on a machine where Microsoft Windows is running as a "host OS". Alternatively, Microsoft Windows can run as a "guest OPERATING system" on machines running Solaris.
*2 Ubuntu
Ubuntu is an operating system based on Debian GNU/Linux.
It is one of the Linux distributions and is offered as free software. See also distribution for concepts. It has been developed with support from Kanonical. The development goal is to provide a "modern and stable OS that is easy for anyone to use".
In the gallery below,The operation procedure of hdd copy is summarized by processing phase.
The machine I used was a used desktop PC that I just replaced with Windows 11 in February of this year. Dell OptiPlex 7020 SFF Is.
It's an old PC, but it has Intel Core i5 4590 (3.3GHz maximum 3.7GHz operation), SSD, and USB 3.0 (2 slots), so it's a perfect spec for me.
It took 3.5H to process about 1.6TB of HDD.
If you use a low-spec CPU and run the process on a PC without USB 2.0 or SSD, I think it will take more time.
It may be difficult because there are many processing steps including installation, but if you want to organize the HDD of REGZA, why not try it?
VirtualBox, Ubuntu, REGZA HDD Easy Copy Installation
Installation of VirtualBox, Ubuntu, REGZA HDD Easy Copy, etc. is not discussed in this article, but please refer to the following article in detail.
VirtualBox & Ubuntu Start

Launching REGZA HDD Easy Copy

Working with REGZA HDD Easy Copy

Set up USB control and USB device filter

Mount the hard drive and specify each UUID
* It is automatically mounted when inserted into a USB terminal

Connect the duplicated REGZA HDD to REGZA

* 2022.04.06 Added
Currently, REGZA's external HDD can only watch recorded programs on the connected TV, and if you buy a new TV, the recorded contents of the HDD will be invalid. So, if your budget allows, the link below RECBOX (HVL-RS series) may be considered.
RECBOX is a network-based high-definition recording hard disk that supports DTCP-IP. By dubbing the recording program of the USB HDD for recording to RECBOX, you can watch it on a new TV.
2023.02.24 Added
Regarding the external HDD created using the utility "REGZA HDD Easy Copy", after that, when the recorded programs on the HDD became full, the HDD crashed and the TV could not be used normally.
At this time, "automatic deletion" was ON (delete). Even after executing "Repair Recorded Program" in the USB hard disk settings, it did not improve, so I had no choice but to initialize the HDD.
2023.05.27 update
Check and repair bad sectors
As for the problem with the external HDD, I checked the status of the disk with the disk utility CrystalDiskInfo on my PC, as the HDD may have bad sectors.
As a result, an abnormality was found in the HDD as follows.

Below is the result of trying to repair bad sectors using HDD partition management tool "AOMEI Partition Assistant".

As for bad sector repair, EaseUS Partition Master is also recommended. Check and repair bad sectors with "Surface Test". The gallery below is the result of that execution.

2023.10.20 Added
This HDD had many bad sectors and seemed to be defective, so I replaced it with the following Buffalo external HDD "HD-TDA4U3-B" (4TB, internal HDD made by Toshiba).
Originally, Western Digital is the most recommended internal HDD, but this model was equipped with the hard disk self-diagnosis function "Mimamori Signal for AV" and was sold at a bargain price of 8,980 yen on Amazon, so I decided to purchase it. I did.
Furthermore, if this model is connected to ``NASNE®'', it will be possible to dub programs via the network.