母の日に買ったコルダーナのミニ薔薇が開花 & 霞草の種まき

update Last updated: May 26, 2022 at 7:09 PM

The mini rose of Cordana that I bought on Mother's Day (May 15th) at a flower shop in Hiratsuka has blossomed. The size of the pot is about No. 5.
I put the pot near the sunny window and watered it every morning, so it grew up quickly and the cute baby pink flowers bloomed in about 10 days.
The gallery below shows the process from buds to flowering.

This rose is a mini rose from Cordes, Germany, and is a variety of the Cordana series that Keisei Rose Garden is a Japanese distributor.
* See the quote below for the Cordana series

The Cordana series is an attractive mini rose developed by the German company Cordes, one of the world's three largest rose nurseries. It is a compact tree-shaped four-season flowering seed, suitable for pot cultivation. Perfuma Cordana is an apricot-colored and very fragrant variety. Grow outdoors in a sunny place. From spring to autumn, once the flowers have finished blooming, cut them back and the side buds will grow again and bloom 2-3 months later.

Type: Cold-resistant deciduous shrub (up to -25 degrees)
Tree height: 30~40cm
Sunshine: Hinata

A small pot of Kasumi grass is also placed near the window on the left side of the mini rose.
This is the seeds of Kasumi grass that were mailed from the company as a gift when the accounting software "Sorimachi Minna no Aoi Filing" was upgraded, and sowed the day before Mother's Day.
This is also growing steadily as follows.

As for Kasumi grass, if you sow in May, it will bloom in August, so I'm looking forward to future growth. There are also pots of foliage plants, but they are getting rough, so I plan to replant them.

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