Japaneseization of excerpts using Jetpack AI released in WordPress 6.4.3 and later is quite convenient.

This site uses a WordPress-based blogging system, but with the recent minor update 6.4.3, it became possible to generate Japanese excerpts using Jetpack AI without realizing it.
Article excerpts are used for blog listings and SEO. Also keep an eye out for the next major update 6.5.

The text size of the WordPress blog post body is small and difficult to see, so I changed it to the same size as the newspaper (14px/10.5pt) and improved the display performance

Since the font size of the WordPress blog post text is too small to read, I changed it to the same size as the newspaper and improved the display performance with Jetpack Boost.

WordPress multi-lingual site recommended plugins all commentary!

In this site that started as a multi-lingual site, i will explain all of the recommended plug-ins of WordPress introduced when building in chronological order.